We are conveniently located near George Mason University at:3921 Blenheim Blvd #71A Fairfax, VA 22030
New street name, same location! New street address: 3921 Blenheim Blvd #71A Fairfax, VA 22030 Formerly: 3921 Old Lee Hwy #71A Fairfax, VA 22030 Google Maps
Fairfax, VA
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Fairfax cervical disc herniation treated by Dr. Zapf. See how we can assist you heal from disc herniation with chiropractic adjustments.
Fairfax back issues treated by Dr. Zapf. See how we can help you heal from from chronic back pain without drugs.
Looking for a way to improve your Thoracic Outlet discomfort? Here you will uncover ideas on relevant treatments.
See how Dr. Zapf in Fairfax can help you recover from work injury discomfort with chiropractic care.
Fairfax leg problems treated by Dr. Zapf. See how we can help you recover from chronic issues with chiropractic treatment.